3940 & 3986 North Service Road East
Windsor, ON N8W 5R7
Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project
Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project (the “Project”) is a proposed 100 Mega-Watt AC (“MWac”) solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant that will be located in the Regional Municipality of Elmsthorpe. The Project will participate in SaskPower’s Request for Proposal (the “RFP”) for procurement of 200MW of Solar Generation in South Central Saskatchewan. The Request for Supplier Qualifications (the “RFSQ”) was released by SaskPower on June 22, 2023.
It is important to us that the Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project be successfully integrated into the Regional Municipality of Elmsthorpe and we are seeking to incorporate feedback through this Project Website into the development of this Project.
Provincial Needs
SaskPower’s system generating capacity is expected to increase 56% to 3,053MW by 2035. SaskPower wants to ensure reliable, sustainable and cost-effective electricity for its customers. Additionally, SaskPower has committed to continuing to meet its emissions target of a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030 in order to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
The key to achieving these objectives is the development of sustainable power generation options required to meet the province’s future demand for electricity and targeted energy supply mix. As the province’s economy and electricity demand grows, SaskPower is evaluating adding new energy generation options for deployment within the next twenty (20) years, including solar photovoltaic, which has the highest resource availability in Southern Saskatchewan.
SaskPower has issued the 200MW South Central Solar Generation RFSQ for the award of two 100 MW alternating-current Solar Generation Facilities. The Facilities that successfully demonstrate their capabilities will be contracted by 2024, with operations expected to start by November 15, 2027.
The Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project, among other electricity generation sites, will help address emerging provincial electricity needs for the coming decades.
Project History and Description
Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project is a proposed 100 Mega-Watt AC (“MWac”) solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant located at NW-2-12-22-W2, SW-2-12-22-W2, NW-35-11-22-W2, SW-35-11-22-W2, NW-26-11-22-W2, SW-26-11-22-W2, SE-26-11-22-W2, under development by Compass Renewable Energy Consulting Inc., that will participate in SaskPower’s upcoming 200MW South Central Solar Generation RFP. This infrastructure project will bring significant investment and local benefits including employment, lease payments and capital spending in the local economy.
The Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project will consist of photovoltaic modules connected in strings and installed across motorized mounting racks. The mounting rack’s height would be around 6 feet above the ground and each row would be spaced about 25 feet apart. The Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project will utilize single-axis trackers to maximize generation.
The enclosed area will also house the balance-of-plant equipment such as an inverter, combiner boxes, transformers, along with other interconnection equipment. The solar module strings feed inverters that connect to a transformer tied to the power grid. The Project will also have a 20-foot wide private access road.
The Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project will comply with all regulatory bodies permitting requirements including SaskPower, the Regional Municipality of Elmsthorpe, and Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Environment.
The Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project will have restricted access to prevent any health and safety incidents and will be monitored 24×7 through a secure remote-monitoring facility.
More information about SaskPower’s 200MW South Central Solar Generation RFP is available here:
The Southern Saskatchewan region has been identified as having the highest solar resource potential across Canada. Additionally, the soil at the Project site has been identified by the University of Saskatchewan as Class 4, having severe limitations that restrict the range of crops and/or requires special conservation practices.
The Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project has engaged an independent, local environmental consultant to conduct a desk-top review to better understand the environmental permitting requirements. The Project will also involve neighbouring landowners and/or range roads to access SaskPower owned transmission line in order to connect into the Provincial power system.
Figure 1: Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project Map provides an overview of the proposed location of the Project.
Figure 1: Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project Map

Benefits to the Community
There are various economic and non-economic community benefits associated with the Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project, a proposed generation infrastructure project located in the Regional Municipality of Elmsthorpe. The Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project will provide power to meet growing regional demand in Saskatchewan, and provide local economic benefits during the design, construction, and over 25 years of operation.
Provide high-skilled job opportunities in construction – civil works, mechanical installation, electrical connection, landscaping.
Anticipated Project Timelines
Land Siting
- Technical Assessments
- SaskPower application preparation
- Pending siting and permitting requirements.
- Consultation with surrounding community members and RM
2023 → 2024
SaskPower Application
- Proven process ensures application success
2023 → 2024
Engineering, Design & Approvals
- SaskPower contract award
- System layout
- Construction schedule
- RM Permitting
- Development Permit
- Building Permit (as applicable)
- Road Use Agreement
2025 → 2026
Construction & Commercial Operation
- Solar system is installed
- Local electrical grid connection occurs along existing lines and connection points
- Remote monitoring
- Annual maintenance
- Vegetation management
- Electrical inspections
- Equipment is removed
- Land fully remediated
- Opportunity for re-commissioning
- Re-negotiation of lease
Project Updates
Watch this space for updates on the Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project.
Notice Of 1st Public Community Meeting (Virtual)
Virtual Public Community Meeting Date and Time
November 10, 2022
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Public Community Meeting Summary
Community Meeting Presentation
Notice Of 2nd Public Community Meeting (Virtual)
Virtual Public Community Meeting Date and Time
February 8, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Public Community Meeting Summary
Community Meeting Presentation
Community Engagement Plan
Compass Renewable Energy Consulting Inc. is in the process of developing a Community Engagement Plan that identifies a strategy for establishing, sustaining a transparent and productive engagement with local Community stakeholders. We encourage interested stakeholders to review this document to understand the Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project’s community engagement process.
Developer Background

Capstone is generating our low-carbon future, driving the energy transition forward through creative thinking, strong partnerships, and a commitment to quality and integrity in how we do business. A developer, owner, and operator of clean and renewable energy projects across North America, Capstone’s portfolio includes approximately 776 MW gross installed capacity across 30 facilities, including wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and natural gas cogeneration power plants. Please visit www.capstoneinfrastructure.com for more information.
Wahgoshig Solar FIT5 LP
Wahgoshig Solar FIT 5 LP (“Wahgoshig Solar”), is a partnership formed between Wahgoshig First Nation and Compass Renewable Energy Consulting Inc. Wahgoshig Solar developed, constructed, and operates four 500 kWac/600 kWdc (2.4 MWdc total) ground mount Feed-in Tariff (“FIT”) projects under the former FIT program in Ontario. Wahgoshig Solar engaged Compass to manage the development, permitting and construction of these facilities.

Compass Renewable Energy Consulting Inc. (“Compass”) has been consulting and developing renewable and clean energy projects in Ontario for more than a decade, with experience across the development lifecycle from pre-screening, contracting, construction, commissioning and operations. Recently in Ontario, Compass supported the development of four (4) Projects that were successful in the Expedited Long-Term 1 Request for Proposals (E-LT1 RFP) that concluded on June 27, 2023. Compass has developed over 100 renewable energy projects in Ontario representing over 100 megawatts (MW) in the last 6 years and supported the development of over 2,000 MWs for our clients. In Saskatchewan, Compass is currently constructing four (4) 1.4MWdc solar projects in the Regional Municipalities of Weyburn, Lomond, and Estevan.
Frequently Asked Questions
PV systems are subject to third-party certification to ensure they comply with all of the required codes and standards.
Solar facilities have an expected lifespan of 20 plus years with equipment replacement and repowering. At the time of decommissioning, the installed components will be removed and reused/recycled, where possible, and the site restored. All removal of equipment will be done per the applicable regulations and manufacturer recommendations. The below summarizes the decommissioning procedure that would be enacted at the end of project life for each component.
Solar PV – Disconnect all above-ground wirings. Remove all PV modules and support structures.
Medium Voltage (MV) Stations, Substation – Disconnect and remove all electrical equipment. Remove the inverter and associated equipment. Remove high-voltage substation transformer. Remove concrete foundations for MV Stations and substation components.
Access roads and other components – Consult with the property owner to determine if access roads should be left in place for their continued use. If roads are to be removed, the aggregate materials will be excavated by a backhoe/front-end loader, along with any underlying geotextile fabric. Compacted areas restored.
Underground cables – Underground electrical lines running between the inverters and the substation will be removed. All foundation materials will be removed.
Contact Us
It is important to us that the Elmsthorpe Solar Power Project be successfully integrated into the Regional Municipality of Elmsthorpe and we are open to incorporating feedback through this Project Website for the development of this Project.
To submit feedback or send us any questions about the project, please contact us:
By mail:
192 Spadina Ave, Suite 506
Toronto, ON M5T 2C2